Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Process of Making Soap

One of the most intersting chemistry projects of this year is Making Soap.  Making your own soap is really fun and easy, plus you can shape it any way you like!
What you'll need:
  1. 1/2 cup Olive Oil
  2. Sodiume Chloride
  3. Food Coloring
  4. Perfume
  5. Rubber Molds
  6. Beaker
How to make:
  1. We put the olive oil in a beaker.
  2. We add sodiume chloride to the olive oil, and mix well until it becomes thick.
  3. Then we add the color and the perfume to it and mix.
  4. Carefully we pour the resultant liquid into the molds and keep it in normal room temperature for a couple of days until it drys.
  5. Now you have your soap, and you can you can use it like any other one :)
 Done by : Norah AlHomaid
Yara AlSahhaf
Aseel AlShathri
11 A

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